Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Behind the wheel again!

As many of you probably know, I'm back home in Calgary again this week! And what was the first thing I did when I arrived? I drove home from the airport!!! YES! I havn't been behind the wheel of a car since moving to Toronto over 4 months ago, and I've missed it so much! I love driving - especially on the highway or on Crowfoot late at night when no one else is around and you just cruise down the street. Its so relaxing! So yes, I convinced my dad to let me drive on the way home from the airport, and I did the whole shebang - pumped gas, cleaned the windows, everything! It was fabulous!!!

And then, once I got home, I gorged on Sri Lankan food. There is so much food in our freezer, fridge and cupboards! I'm already planning what I'm bringing back...! MUAHAHAHA. I also managed to go shopping on my first day back...in my sister's room! As my team will tell you, I'm an accessories nut! Its my goal to have one accessory for every day of the year, and since I havn't really lived with my sister in over 3 years, the first thing I did was go through all her accessories. She has some really cool stuff from Europe (Europeans are way more into earrings than North Americans are!), and I scored 4 pairs off earrings off of her! MUAHAHA I love it, its like shopping...for FREE!!!


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