Sunday, November 19, 2006

Yoga kicked my ass

On the first floor of our office building there's a great yoga studio that specializes in hot yoga. I've been to about 5 hatha/hot hatha/hot power flow classes, and they've been fantastic! A major workout! So today, Shirley and I decided to go to Hot Hatha Level 2. BIG mistake! Holy crap was it hard! It was a 75 min class, and the first 10-15 minutes were a breeze - the same as level 1, so we thought we were doing good. But the good stuff hadn't even started. Soon enough we were doing stretches and holding positions I didn't even know people could do! By about halfway through I was so exhausted I could barely do the basic downward dog. Safe to say that I'll be sticking to level 1 hot hatha for a little while longer...

Monday, November 13, 2006

I am in the top 10.6% richest people in the world

Working for a non-profit, not even finished with school. Woah!

Check out this website courtest of JP: